Over excited dog?

Over excited dog? Regular physical exercise is both healthy and necessary for our dogs. There are however some common problems that can, and often do, affect our dogs when they are incorrectly exercised. One of the biggest faults is allowing our dogs to become over-aroused while being exercised. This coupled to the misconception that over-excited dogs […]

Squabbles and indiscretions at home?

Squabbles can occur read help with Best Friends Pet Lodge

Squabbles at home? If you have more than one dog then there is always a possibility that there may be some sort of squabble or indiscretion between the dogs. This is obviously more likely to happen in multi-dog families where good dog management is essential. Observing body language and controlling tense situations It is advisable […]

Walk to heel and loose lead

Dogs that are a pleasure to walk get walked more often! Teach your dogs to enjoy their walks and behave well when on the lead. Start with a basic foundation of teaching “heel”. This is the same as teaching sit, down or any other position. The hard part about the heel position is that this […]

Caring for your dog in summer

Tersha, the chief caregiver, cuddler and Ttouch provider put together these 10 tips to help you and your pooch through the summer months. Never leave your dog in the car! Even opening a window or parking in the shade does not offer the right protection that your dog needs. If you are out and about […]

8 Things to consider before deciding on a pet lodge for your dogs

For most families, there will come a time when you will need somebody to take care of your dogs. Whether you are going on holiday or a business trip, you will need to make sure that your furkids get the very best care until you are back home with them. Your furkid deserves only the […]