From back yard to doggy wonderland
Here are three easy activities for you to create in your back yard. It will take little effort from your side to set up, and it will make a huge difference in your dog’s day. These activities are great for all dogs, of all ages and it will give them a different experience in the […]
Four of my favorite food dispensing toys for dogs
Here are four of my favorite basic food dispensing toys for dogs. These food dispensing toys need very little input from you so you can relax with a book or a movie, and your dog can relax with his awesome toy. There are many versions of these toys, but if you have at least the […]
Does your dog have the feels?
Dogs are amazing, they can sense things before we even know what is happening. Assist dogs sense anxiety attacks and seizures before they happen and can warn their human. Many dogs have been bred with a specific temperament so that they could be service dogs. Generally many dogs just naturally have the feels. Animal feels […]
A Puppy’s journey – a development guide
Safe and sound in his mommy’s womb, many things are already starting to develop and influence his behaviour and personality. The dad and mom’s genetics are playing a big part, as well as mom’s experiences while she is pregnant. Does she feel safe? Or does she have to scavenge for food in fear of people […]
The wee wee woes
Your fully house trained dog has started to wee wee in the house again. What gives? In today’s blog post we look at possible reasons why your dog might have started to eliminate in the house again, as well as some ideas on how to curb this unwanted behaviour…again… There are a couple of medical […]