Adopting a dog for the first time?

It’s always a good idea to take your time when adopting a dog, and not to rush into it. Especially if it’s the first time you are adopting. You want to be prepared and set everyone, hoomans and animals up for success. I have put together a couple of pointers for you to ponder upon […]

Doggie first aid at home

Accidents happen, and when you have a multi-dog household, they happen a bit more often. Some things can easily be treated at home as long as you have the right stuff in your Doggie First Aid kit. This week’s post is about items you should have in your home to treat minor wounds or conditions […]

Reward your dog – determining the value

Positive reinforcement is when we deliver something pleasant to a dog, so that we can teach the dog to do the behaviour more often. Our go to reward, is usually food because most dogs love to eat and most dogs love treats. We do get some odd balls who can not be phased with food, […]

Engaging your dog’s brain with 5-minute activities

You often hear us talk about how important it is for your dog to have a mental release, so if you feel like you need a couple of pointers on how to achieve that, this post is for you. There are hundreds of ways to stimulate your dog’s grey matter from something as simple as […]

Growl! My dog growls at me

My dog often growls at me and other people – what do I do? It is most important that you do not punish your dog for growling. Growling is a crucial means of communication for your dog. No one likes a growling dog but to the dog, this is his first line of communicating that […]